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Skunk Season! & Dan Wolfe KBJR 6

Linda Nervick

It's officially SKUNK SEASON! "I smell a skunk. Where is BLake? Oh, nooooo!"

Skunk, happens. Recently, Dan Wolfe, news anchor at KBJR, posted on social media that his dog, Louis was sprayed by a skunk yesterday! Dan Wolfe KBJR 6 "It finally happened. Louie got skunked. He’d avoided the stinky wrath for 6 years. Hydrogen peroxide rinse time."

Here are some ideas to deter skunks and a recipe if your pooch gets sprayed.

Skunk Deterrent:

Bright Lights, Motion Sensor Flood Light

Citrus Fruit Peel & Moth Balls

Ammonia Soaked Cotton Balls

Peppermint Essental Oil

Grow Lavender

Scatter Coffee Grounds

Dog Urine Helps TOO!

Recipe for Skunk Shampoo:

Mix in a Bucket:

1/4 Cup of Baking Soda

1-2 Tsp of Mild Dishwashing Detergent

(we have found that Dawn works the best)

1 Quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Work the foaming mix well into the coat.

Leave on for 5 minutes.

Rinse with warm water.

Follow with your regular shampoo if desired.

We hope you make it thru the season without being skunked!

Photos from Dan Wolfe and Getty Images


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