After the heartbreaking loss of our dearly beloved Otis in April 2020, we knew that we needed another fur-baby in our lives, especially being it was the pandemic, and we were home all the time and had that void of not having Otis around. After months searching for a new addition to our family, we found our new baby way down in Oklahoma! We drove twelve hours to get our little monster during the shutdown in July 2020.
It has been an experience, to say the least, since getting him. Odin @odinthepugofficial is full of energy and spunk and is pugging non-stop! Odin loves to walk on all the different trails around Duluth, and he loves being by the lake too! Despite having many toys, his favorite things to play with are empty plastic bottles/yogurt containers; he goes nuts over them, Lol.
Our favorite little quirk of Odin is him standing up in his car seat (he has the front passenger side, of course), so he can look at what’s happening in the world. We love seeing other people’s faces at a stoplight when he’s standing upright, staring at them out the window. He’s just a little ham, bringing so much joy into our lives. We are grateful to have found such a happy little pug.

@harrydoesduluth A Duluth Dog doing Duluth Things!
"Hello! My name Is Harry and I’m a really, really, really Great Pyrenees. At least that’s what my mom always says. I just turned three years old last month. I was actually born on the best day of the year, Grandma’s Marathon! So I always knew I was destined to be a Duluth dog. Then, Mark Zuckerberg introduced me to me mom (she found me on a Facebook ad) and I made long car ride from Warroad to the Twin Ports to live with her. It’s been the best life ever, ever since!
My mom takes me a lot of places around town but my favorites are the Jean Duluth Dog Park, the Lakewalk, and my mom’s work. I have a part time job there too as a therapy dog. I’m hoping to one day get certified so I can take my talents and love to people who need it! Please say hi to me if you see me around town! I love making new friends. Love, Harry"
This Furry Fun Post was contributed by Briggs LeSavage, KBJR 6/CBS 3 Who is also a Local Instagram Star.

This week's Duluth Dog Blog's Local Furry Instagram Star is @lucy.goosey018. Lucy can be found on not only on Instagram but her blog, and webpage! (link on instagram page) "Lucy's human, Michelle, a 25-year-old corporate healthcare employee, photographer, and dog mom from Minnesota, USA. says "Lucy.Goosey018 is all about my life, along with my adventures and life with my dog, Lucy."
"Lucy is a 7 year old mutt! I adopted her from the Minnesota Animal Humane Society in 2018. She was shot in the wrist before she came to Minnesota and the humane society had to remove the bullet! She is fully healed now, and is always in the mood for adventure!"

DogApproved.biz enjoys the photos and videos so much from @izzy.bean.sederquist! Seems she is always on a pawsome adventure with her family. This week's Furry Local Instagram Star is @izz.bean.sederquist Meet Izzy...
"Izzy is a two year old blue heeler/schnoodle mix. She is very smart and picks up tricks quickly as well as being a frisbee dog!
Izzy loves to run with Dog Dad, who is also an assistant xc/track coach at UWS, so she has a built in team to cheer for and run with. A Yellowjacket at heart 🖤💛
You might see her running around Duluth/Superior with the team, out at park point playing on the beach, or hiking the SHT with her pawrents."
Story and Photos by @izzy.bean.sederquist

#timber_the_upnorth_husky @timber_the_upnorth_husky
The next Duluth Superior Furry Instagram Influencer to be highlighted is @timber_the_upnorth_husky. The photos of this Husky bring us joy and brighten our day!
"They say good things take time, and that was the case with Timber. I was at a point in my life where I was ready to get a dog and after researching the Siberian Husky breed I knew it was the one for me. My Dad grew up in Michigan and had wolf hybrids. One he named Timber, and I had planned on carrying the family name with my pup. After an unexpected event (not getting him when I had hoped due to a litter not taking) I had to wait longer for him then expected. It was tough but he was 100% worth the wait. Timber is a very outgoing and friendly dog who enjoys going for walks with friends, puppy play dates, and going to his doggy daycare. Timber loves helping mom find beach glass, wading in Lake Superior, and walking on the Lakewalk. Timber enjoys pup cups from Love Creamery, @LoveCreamery and frozen goats milk from A Place For Fido @aplaceforfido. Timber has taught me so much as a first time dog owner and inspires me to enjoy the little things in life."
Photo by @ccboylephotos story by @timber_the_upnorth_husky

#PrinceMicrochip @prince_microchip
Our first little Instagram Furry Influencer is Prince Microchip.
"About 5yrs ago, I was looking to adopt a dog, and saw this little face pop up on Animal Allies Duluth website. I was told he came to Duluth from TX. When they brought Prince Charming, as they called him, to the greeting room and it was love at first site! He came home with me that night. He is the best buddy I could ask for. Prince is a fan of adventuring around Duluth, and LOVES having his picture taken. Mostly because there are treats involved. He thinks he is a fierce guard dog, but doesn't shy away from fashion. His wardrobe may be bigger than mine. I changed his name to Prince, like the musician, since I thought it was more fitting."
written and photos by @lindswestman