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#timber_the_upnorth_husky @timber_the_upnorth_husky

Linda Nervick

The next Duluth Superior Furry Instagram Influencer to be highlighted is @timber_the_upnorth_husky. The photos of this Husky bring us joy and brighten our day!

"They say good things take time, and that was the case with Timber. I was at a point in my life where I was ready to get a dog and after researching the Siberian Husky breed I knew it was the one for me. My Dad grew up in Michigan and had wolf hybrids. One he named Timber, and I had planned on carrying the family name with my pup. After an unexpected event (not getting him when I had hoped due to a litter not taking) I had to wait longer for him then expected. It was tough but he was 100% worth the wait. Timber is a very outgoing and friendly dog who enjoys going for walks with friends, puppy play dates, and going to his doggy daycare. Timber loves helping mom find beach glass, wading in Lake Superior, and walking on the Lakewalk. Timber enjoys pup cups from Love Creamery, @LoveCreamery and frozen goats milk from A Place For Fido @aplaceforfido. Timber has taught me so much as a first time dog owner and inspires me to enjoy the little things in life."

Photo by @ccboylephotos story by @timber_the_upnorth_husky



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